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Encontramos 48 resultados para o termo Energy

Worst of inflation is over, Brazil Central Bank president says
Central Bank

Worst of inflation is over, Brazil Central Bank president says

The president of Brazil's Central Bank, Roberto Campos Neto, said today (27) that “the worst moment of inflation is over,” and that, as a

Worst of inflation is over, Brazil Central Bank president says
Central Bank

Worst of inflation is over, Brazil Central Bank president says

The president of Brazil's Central Bank, Roberto Campos Neto, said today (27) that “the worst moment of inflation is over,” and that, as a

Fernando Borges named Petrobras acting president

Fernando Borges named Petrobras acting president

The chairman of Petrobras’s board of directors appointed Executive Director of Exploration and Production Fernando Borges as the firm’s...

Event marks first steps towards privatization of utility Eletrobras

Event marks first steps towards privatization of utility Eletrobras

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro and Economy as well as Minas and Energy Ministers Paulo Guedes and Adolfo Sachsida early this afternoon (Jun...

Event marks first steps towards privatization of utility Eletrobras

Event marks first steps towards privatization of utility Eletrobras

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro and Economy as well as Minas and Energy Ministers Paulo Guedes and Adolfo Sachsida early this afternoon (Jun...

GREEN hydrogen gains ground as key energy commodity in Brazil
Itaipu Binacional

GREEN hydrogen gains ground as key energy commodity in Brazil

Given this expected increase in demand, the interest of Brazilian companies in investing in the "new energy commodity" has also grown, says head of

PRESIDENTS Bolsonaro and Biden hold bilateral meeting in the US
Summit of the Americas

PRESIDENTS Bolsonaro and Biden hold bilateral meeting in the US

In his speech, Bolsonaro said Brazil will be one of the largest exporters of clean energy on the planet. He praised agribusiness and reaffirmed the...

Musk diz que, se concretizar compra do Twitter, extremas esquerda e direita ficarão insatisfeitas

Musk diz que, se concretizar compra do Twitter, extremas esquerda e direita ficarão insatisfeitas

Declaração do empresário reforça um posicionamento já defendido no mês passado. Na ocasião, ele...

Quem é Elon Musk, que visita o Brasil esta sexta-feira, segundo ministro das Comunicações

Quem é Elon Musk, que visita o Brasil esta sexta-feira, segundo ministro das Comunicações

Bilionário nascido na África do Sul fez acordo para comprar o Twitter recentemente, e também comanda a fabricante de carros...

Galaxy Z Flip 4: celular dobrável pode usar baterias da LG
Dispositivos Móveis

Galaxy Z Flip 4: celular dobrável pode usar baterias da LG

A Samsung já iniciou o desenvolvimento da próxima geração de celulares dobráveis da empresa, o futuro Galaxy Z...